Author Archive:

Oleviste kirik, detailfoto orelist

The documentation project of St. Olaf’s Church, Tallinn

Today we are working St. Olaf’s church (Tallinn, Estonia), where we are providing a metric survey of the building focusing on the facades, church tower and chapel for restoration and conservation works. We are using a combination of different solutions including a RTK drone and ground-based photogrammetric survey in combination with different laser scan equipment,…

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Padise klooster | Padise Abbey

Analogue to Digital Photogrammetry: Padise Abbey

At the beginning of September, Archaeovision together with Euro G.V. (Czech Republic) started a collaborative project with the Estonian Heritage Board Archive to re-use and re-purpose glass plate negatives. During the project we are assessing the condition of the glass plate negatives, digitising and re-using the captured content through digital imaging processes to create photogrammetric…

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Rode Altarpiece Research and Conservation Project wins an EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Award 2017

The European Commission and Europa Nostra revealed today the winners of the 2017 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards, Europe’s top honour in the heritage field. The 29 laureates from 18 countries are being recognised for their notable achievements in conservation, research, dedicated service, and education, training and awareness-raising. The Rode…

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The documentation of wooden figures at St Mary’s Cathedral, Tallinn

Since mid-November Andres Uueni has been involved in a project called Christian Ackermann – Tallinn’s Pheidias, Arrogant and Talented at St Mary’s Cathedral, Tallinn. The Project leaders for this project are the Estonian Academy of Arts and the Estonian Art Museum The objective of the project was to rescue Christian Ackermann, the most scandalous and talented carver of Estonia’s Baroque…

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Web page of LIFEME project is public

Our web page for the project of Conservation and Restoration of Mire Habitats (LIFEME) is now public. Please visit to get an overview of the project and to read the project related news.

Maarjamäe pannoo, E. Okas

Multispectral imaging at the Estonian History Museum

Today I visited the Estonian History Museum with Dr. H. Hiiop to examine a wall painting (painter: E. Okas, 1987) to discover if any additional information could be extracted. To research any compositional changes (pentimenti’s), I used a multispectral camera (infrared wavelengths). Although we discovered some under drawings, we were unable to identify any important changes. Our visit…

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Presentation in seminar

20th November 2015. the Society of Estonian Conservators organised seminar about the preservation and conservation issues of the different materials and about documentation (“Esemete erinevate materjalide vastastikune kahjustav mõju – säilitamise ja konserveerimise problemaatika.”) in Olustvere. Andres spoke about accuracy, quality, uncertainty and error during the artefact/monument/building documentation (“Täpsus, kvaliteet ja viga. Küsimused dokumenteerimisel”).

Digital strategy workshop in Riga

On the 26th November 2015 Andres participated in a digital strategy workshop in Riga organised by WAM. The lecturer was T. Tasich, who is digital consultant and producer (Digitelling Agency, London, UK). During this event, it was possible to gain a better understanding of how museums are creating a digital strategy that integrates with wider strategic…

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Mire preservation and restoration project started in Estonia

Archaeovision R&D, together with the Estonian Fund of Nature (ELF) and the University of Tartu will be participating in the project “Conservation and Restoration of Mire habitats”.  The project will run for five years, during which about 5800 ha of mires damaged by drainage will be restored. During the field inventory that was carried out by ELF between 2009 and 2012,…

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Pointcloud of Haapsalu Episcopal Castle

Haapsalu piiskopilinnuse ja värvatorni dokumenteerimise esimene etapp

Käesoleva aasta juunis alustas koostöös partneritega Haapsalu Piiskopilinnuse pealinnuse ja värvatorni dokumenteerimist. Haapsalu piiskopilinnus on Eesti keskaja kindlusarhitektuuri tähelepanuväärne mälestusmärk, mis on säilinud osaliselt. Linnuse kogu territoorium on 3 hektarit. Kastell-linnus rajati ilmselt peale Saare-Lääne piiskopkonna Haapsalu toomkiriku sisseõnnistamist 1279. aastal, toomkirik on aga ülejäänud linnusega algusest peale kokku ehitatud. Haapsalu Piiskopilinnuse pealinnuse ja värvatorni laserskaneerimine võimaldas objekti dokumenteerida kiirelt,…

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