Category Archive for: Events

Preserving culture and heritage on the digital age

We invited five specialists to the seminar to share their views about reserving culture and heritage on the digital age. You can watch the the recording of the whole session.

Presentation in seminar

20th November 2015. the Society of Estonian Conservators organised seminar about the preservation and conservation issues of the different materials and about documentation (“Esemete erinevate materjalide vastastikune kahjustav mõju – säilitamise ja konserveerimise problemaatika.”) in Olustvere. Andres spoke about accuracy, quality, uncertainty and error during the artefact/monument/building documentation (“Täpsus, kvaliteet ja viga. Küsimused dokumenteerimisel”).

Digital strategy workshop in Riga

On the 26th November 2015 Andres participated in a digital strategy workshop in Riga organised by WAM. The lecturer was T. Tasich, who is digital consultant and producer (Digitelling Agency, London, UK). During this event, it was possible to gain a better understanding of how museums are creating a digital strategy that integrates with wider strategic…

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Kaasani kiriku projekti esitlus

Reedel rääkisime Kaasani kirikus kultuuripärandi dokumenteerimisest kiriku enda näitel. Käesoleva aasta alguses viidi kirikus läbi mõõdistustööd kasutades erinevaid kaasaegseid dokumenteerimismeetodeid nagu fotogramm-meetria, panoraamfotograafia ja laserskanneerimine. Eesmärgiks oli talletada kiriku olukord kujul, mis ei sunni tegema valikuid mõõdistamise ajal. Samuti üheks oluliseks eesmärgiks oli luua raamistik, millega on võimalik liita kirikus toimunud varasemad uurimistööd (näiteks dendro-uuringud) ning…

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Loengut peab Andres Uueni. Foto Th. Kormpaki

Lecture about imaging technologies

On Thursday the 19th March myself and Hembo gave a presentation in St. Nicholas’ Church, Tallinn about imaging technologies and heritage documentation solutions. The lecture was organised by the St. Nicholas’ Church museum together with the Rode Altarpiece in Close-up project. We were presenting the different non-destructive imaging technologies (IRR, NIR, UV, Photogrammetry, RTI and High-resolution imaging) that we…

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RTI training at DH seminar in Tartu

I have been working with RTI since 2008 and I have been very lucky to be part of several RTI research projects at the ACRG, Univeristy of  Southampton. During one of those projects I presented our work at University of Tartu and have since given many talks about the technique in various places to various skill levels. The upcoming…

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Imaging hackathon

Two weeks to go until our imaging event in Tallinn St Nicholas’ (Niguliste) church. We have some great presenters and superb venue in a medieval church. Also, we are very excited about the hackathon which will be the culmination of our event. Hereby I am trying to open more about the plans and preliminary ideas.…

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CAA 2014

Archaeovision R&D will present the ArchaeoLog.IO data management system for the first time in Paris at CAA 2014. It is the 42nd year for CAA conference which gathers people working with computing and technologies in cultural heritage. It is a perfect place to introduce the research and data management tool ArchaeoLog.IO. The paper abstract is available…

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Rode Imaging Event

We are happy to announce that we are organising an imaging event in Tallinn, in mid May. The event focuses on different imaging technologies used in cultural heritage. The event is structured in three parts: the first day we will have presentations about projects, case studies and technologies; the second day we will go deeper into certain technologies;…

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