, 24 Aug, 2016
RTI work was completed at Emery Down graveyard for the New Forest Park Authority, as part of their Our Past, Our Future project which is supported by Heritage Lottery Funding. Monuments mark the final resting place of people whatever their origins and status. Their materials, design, craftsmanship and inscriptions provide a rich and irreplaceable repository of information that connects…
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, 24 Aug, 2016
Archaeovision were contracted to record the North Boscaswell Mine in Pendeen for the National Trust. A large scale UAV/Drone capture was completed and a photogrammetry model of the landscape and buildings were produced. The work also included a number of different virtual processes including a virtual RTI of the landscape and spatial analyses processes that…
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, 13 Nov, 2013
In 2012 members of Archeovision completed a series of RTI captures on the 19th century Records of the Patent Office books at the National Archives, UK. The work was based on the analysis of the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Office located within the records. In total 56 items were recorded that ranged from stamps to weave designs.…
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, 13 Nov, 2013
In 2012 Archaeovision members, James Miles and Hembo Pagi, completed a photogrammetry and RTI survey of the Easter Island statue Hoa Hakananai’a. The work was in collaboration with Mike Pitts the editor of British Archaeology magazine. The survey was conducted at the British Museum in order to analyse the petroglyphs on the back at the statue.…
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, 13 Nov, 2013
James Miles created a collaboration with Dr Rebecca Flemming at the department of Classics at the University of Cambridge using laser scanning and RTI within the study of Roman anatomical votive terracottas. The work will allow for a systematic and scientific comparison between similar types of votives and will aid the understanding of their provenance and the relations…
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, 13 Nov, 2013
During June of this year Archaeovision completed a series of RTI data captures of a number of Assyrian reliefs and cuneiform tablets for Jacob Dahl on behalf of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. The work took place at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh and The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. In total thirty RTI…
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