On Thursday the 19th March myself and Hembo gave a presentation in St. Nicholas’ Church, Tallinn about imaging technologies and heritage documentation solutions. The lecture was organised by the St. Nicholas’ Church museum together with the Rode Altarpiece in Close-up project.
We were presenting the different non-destructive imaging technologies (IRR, NIR, UV, Photogrammetry, RTI and High-resolution imaging) that we have collected for the Rode project along with other works that we have been involved in.
During the presentation we also stressed the importance of these visualisation methods as these solutions are very important tools within many different industries such as the creative industries, heritage specialists, tourism industry, etc.
The lecture was well attended by those in the tourism industry, heritage sector as well as those involved in software development. With the introduction of these techniques to a new audience, it is hoped that Archaeovision can start to expand and look at ways in which our imaging specialisms can be used to aid public outreach.