Carla Schroer peab loengu pildindustehnoloogiatest

Carla Schroer (Cultural Heritage Imaging) peab TÜ keeleteaduse, filosoofia ja semiootika doktorikooli kutsel külalisloengu reedel, 19. mail kell 14.15-15.45 arheoloogia osakonna seminariruumis (Jakobi 2-213).

Loeng käsitleb kõiksugu materiaalsete kultuuriväärtuste (muistised, maalid, skulptuurid, raamatud, esemed jms) dokumenteerimist, uurimist ja säilitamist arvutusliku pildinduse meetodite abil.

Carla on asutanud mittetulundusliku ühenduse Cultural Heritage Imaging, mis arendab ja rakendab uusi pildindustehnoloogiaid kultuurilise, ajaloolise ja kunstilise pärandi säilitamiseks ja uurimiseks.

Loengu tutvustus:

Advanced scientific imaging using computational photography techniques for cultural and historic materials

This talk presents advances in robust new imaging tools from the emerging science known as Computational Photography. The common feature of the computational photography imaging family is the purpose-driven, selective extraction of information from sequences of digital photographs.

Examples of existing and cutting-edge uses of photography-based imaging will be presented, including Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI), and 3D photogrammetry. I will show the use of these tools in a range of contexts including fine art conservation as well as research and documentation of museum and library collections.

Also central to this work is the creation of data that can be reused for scientific purposes by others, both now and in the future.

Üritust finantseerib Euroopa Liidu Regionaalarengu Fond (Tartu Ülikooli ASTRA projekt PER ASPERA)

Posted on 16/05/2017 in R&D, Üritused

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